Monday, November 20, 2006

Home for good

Hi all! I think we may have finally figured out this blog stuff....Its been a year in the making....Oh life with a new restaurant and twins. It's like having 3 children under the age of 2! We are still trying to figure out adding pictures....Maybe we will have more time now. As many of you know, we are home for good! Just when I (Martha) was getting used to calling CA home.... We took another leap of faith and headed home. We have moved to Georgia. Yes, a big change from Southern California. It is good to be back in the South. Chris is working for Chick-fil-A corporate now...Huge gasp, yes he gave up his restaurant....Remember, I said leap of faith. Scary, relieved, excited, sad...Many emotions these days. We do know that God has always guided us and we are thankful for His presence in our lives. We miss our family in California....Yes they became our family in the 3 years we were there. God blessed us richly with many friends and a wonderful church. These friends quickly become family within our first year there. We would not have survived "twinhood" without many of them. It really does take a village to raise a family. However, it is nice to be back near our family here. The grandparents and great grandparents are overjoyed at having the boys nearby....And us to:) We can't wait to catch up with many of you that we have not seen very much these past 3 years. We can't wait to make it back out to Cali! Hopefully we have this blog thing figured out and can get some pictures up soon! The boys are awful cute:) Happy Thanksgiving.
Love, The Darley Clan

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