Thursday, May 24, 2007

Happy Birthday to You!

Chris had been out of town traveling and the boys wanted to make him a sign for his birthday!

Parker and Grammy playing in the box from dad's present.

A birthday kiss from Peyton

My three boys

Opps...the boys are still in their PJ's from last night...yeah, it's 5 in the evening

And this is how my morning went...hence the boys still in their PJ's.

I didn't get pictures of the laundry mess, or the toys, or the ants all over the kitchen floor...

BUT, I did get a picture of Peyton's birthday design to dad...

Look at the innocent face... too bad he is the only one buying it

There... now he is owning it!

When Chris came home we told daddy Peyton learned a new word... WALL. Peyton took daddy inside and pointed to his work of art and said, " Da, no no"! Parker took one look at it and shook his head and said: "Mess, Mess". The boy can not stand a mess! Ma sure is glad Da is home!


Unknown said...

Cute pictures! I love the 2 of Chris with the boys! Thank God for the Magic Erasers, huh? I'm dreading the "wall art" stage...mine are still into just eating the crayons and spitting little bits all over the floor.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Chris!!

I can't believe your boys will soon be 2. They are so cute and such boys. I love it!
love ya'll

Rachel said...

Hey, I randomly found you from
Ragamuffin Soul and that from 6yearmed. As I scrolled through your posts (the one about your adorable twins!!! They really are too cute!) I noticed this post with a discription of the difference between little girls vs. boys in it. My little girl does all of those things that you said your boys did. She also does the girly stuff too, though... Well, maybe she doesn't through her trucks across the room, but she certainly would throw her paints, dolls, or anything else!! :) Well, she might if she didn't get time-out for it. Good luck with those boys! :)

Michael and Catherine said...

Happy Birthday Christopher!
It looks like your homecoming was a special one! The boys are so cute! I know Martha thought they were really cute after their wall art fun!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Hope you had a great birthday Chris! The wall art is fabulous. That is a keeper. I love that he is proud of himself. Luke hasn't found the walls yet, just my kitchen cabinets. Nice. He saves those special moments for when I'm feeding Reagan and can't get to him. These toddlers of ours are too smart.

Danielle said...

Thanks for visiting my site! Your boys are so cute..And their names!!! Two of my FAVES!!! I have not heard Parker used for a while. Love it. Anyway, thanks for stopping by! :)

Rebecca said...

OH NO- How hilarious! The sign is a very cute idea Martha- I can only imagine having 2 toddlers with paint all over the hands and fingers=) glad you captured pics of the wall art=) memories=)

Anonymous said...

How cute! Martha, could you just laugh or scream when you saw the marks on the wall?! :) I can't believe they will soon be 2! Hope to see you guys soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Darleys, miss & love you!