Where does time go and why does it pass so quickly after you have kids? The boys turned 21 months on March 30th...what? That is way to close to being 2 years old. How did this happen so fast? Surely there must be some mistake, they can't be this old. Insert simultaneous tantrum here.....weeeell....that pretty much sums is up. They are almost two:( It seems like it was just Christmas and we were rounding the corner to 18 months. They have changed so much since then. Not only do they not act like babies anymore, they are loosing that baby look:( I needed to have caught a tantrum or two on camera to complete this post. Not to worry, I am sure there will be plenty more to come. I did, however, manage to get the two of them to sit together at the same time for a 21month photo....OK well maybe I did catch a tantrum, or was it a hissy fit? As a matter of fact I caught a simultaneous tantrum/hissy fit/meltdown....just a peek into the life of twins nearing 2:)
OK, if I give you the toys will you sit still?
and now for the grand finale...every good thing eventually comes to an end!
It's my toy, no it's my toy
Nope, now it is mom's toy!
Welcome to a day in the life of nearly 2 year old twins:)
You just gotta love 'em, tantrums and all