FINALLY! We have pictures of the boys and of us as a family.... and I LOVE them! I have been wanting to have pictures of the boys made since they were babies. You know, the really sweet baby ones with the cute feet and chubby cheeks...professional ones that take the spot on the wall where your bridal portrait once hung. Two years later and we never got around to doing them. We just never felt like we could fork out the money in California and truth be known, I was too tired to attempt it. Looking back though, I have always regretted not having them done. They are only babies for a short while and you can only capture it for so long. We've done Target, JC Penny and of course Picture People. They have been OK, and we have bought them....but they were nothing special. You know...take my baby out and insert yours and you have the same picture and pose. I've always wanted to capture the boys personalities, especially as they have gotten older. This mostly is how we tell them apart...and oh yea....sitting for a posed picture is not an option. "All done" is often heard before you can get them both in the same spot. All this to say... they were quickly approaching two and I knew we were running out of time before another 2 years slipped by. I convinced Chris the time was now and set out to find a professional photographer. There are plenty in our area to choose from and I was having a hard time. Little did I know the answer was sitting in my backyard! Our neighbor and her kiddos were over playing in the sandbox and she promised to email me some info on neighborhood playgroups. Little did I know she was my answer! Underneath her email "signature" was the address for her blog. I pop on over and find the most amazing pictures. I quickly realize not only is she an amazing mom to four beautiful children...she is an extremely talented photographer. I couldn't believe it, it was perfect! She offers
"a day in the life" sessions and will come to your house to capture you and your family doing life. Not only did the boys know her and thus wouldn't run away....but she could capture them running and playing and eating-everything they do best. No posing required:) So all this to say: check out
Sara's blog ("Please, help a neighbor out" post) as she posted a few pictures of our session. It brought tears to my eyes. She captured the boys wonderfully. I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. We had a hard time getting smiles out of Parker...well that is Parker. The picture of Chris and me on the bed with Parker is classic! The "
Parker face" on Parker and Peyton having a grand ole time jumping on the bed in the background! I am excited to have pictures that capture the life of my boys at this age. Memories on paper that we can share with them and their families one day. Thank you Sara for sharing your talent and gifts with us. We are truly blessed to have you as neighbors. I can only hope and pray my boys turn out like your kiddos... happy, well behaved, and most importantly- full of life:) Thanks for being a model family for us. It's always so nice to have people in your life that have "been there and done that" and mostly, a family that is filled from head to toe with the love of The Lord. We have so much to learn. Make sure you stop by and check out my boys:) Her blog is great: tons of great pictures, fun family life and super funny stories of her kiddos.
Just one example of why we found a professional!
Oh, Martha! These pictures are amazing. They are so real and full of life. Not like any other. Can she fly to Cali for some pics.
Martha. You are so sweet. I prayed for good neighbors and the Lord answered my prayers and then some!! I love that you get my photography style and that it worked for your family! Now on to the comment about my "well behaved" children... you are too kind.
WOW--those pictures are amazing! I went to her blog and looked at all of the other pics she had posted as well...I want her in Greenville!!
Thanks for sharing!
oh Martha- THOSE ARE WONDERFUL!!! I would LOVE to see the rest of them!!!! I have no clue how you are going to choose which pictures to get!! Soo glad you found an AWESOME photographer in Atlanta.. and better yet... your neighborhood- soo very cool!!
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